
Flipped Learning in Language Teaching 2022

Reach Every Student



The goal of Flipped Learning (FL) is to reach every student every day in meaningful ways. This online workshop is for teachers who are familiar with FL or are new to it. Participants will also learn about In-Class Flip and SOFLA® (Synchronous Online Flipped Learning Approach).



Session Objectives

By the end of this session, participants will have


Target audience

 Target audience: This session is for both teachers that are completely new to flipped learning as well as teachers that are already flipping in K-12, higher education, and/or adult education, content based teachers, CLIL teachers. This session is for online and classroom educators, as well as course developers, curriculum coordinators, and program administrators.




Weekly Content


Week 1 (January 10 - 16 2022)

Introductions, Flipped Learning Basics, and Our Session Tools

This week we will focus on getting to know each other, your interest/experience in flipped learning, and learn about resources for this EVO session as well as in the professional literature of flipped learning. Here's what we'd like you to do…


Week 2  (January 17 - 23 2022)

Pillar F: Flexible Environment

How our teaching flexibility can involve all of our students’ voices?

Review lesson plans and analyze using a rubric

During this week, participants will...




Week 3   (January 24 - 30 2022)

Pillar L: Learning Culture

Creating Flipped Learning Lessons

During this week, participants will…


Week 4  (January 31 - February 6 2022 )

Pillar I: Intentional Content

What to flip? Determine the best content to flip

During this week, participants will…


Week 5  (Feb 7-Feb 14, 2021)

Pillar P: Professional Educator

Reflect on how Flipped Learning can help you grow as a professional practitioner

During this week, participants will…





Other Technology Tools


Potential Sponsors



Join this session!

The action starts on Jan 9th, 2022.

But you can start exploring our pre-session activities as of January 2nd, 2022 


1. Use this Google Form to register in this  five-week workshop: https://forms.gle/9EmuNNVfJL78kGKEA

2. Wait for your invitation from canvas.instructure.com

3. Create an account and join our session at: https://canvas.instructure.com/enroll/FLDKR4


Primary Contact: 

Diana Katherine Salazar dianaksalazar21@gmail.com


Our Moderators


Esteemed Emeritus Moderators