
Mindfulness Awareness Practice

Page history last edited by Dr. Nellie Deutsch 2 years, 11 months ago Saved with comment





Session Title: 

Mindfulness Awareness Practice 






Participants will learn about and develop a mindfulness awareness practice. They will work individually and in teams. The session activities include formal and informal mindfulness practice. The participants will keep a personal journal (diary activity) for reflections on the individual practice and mindful activities and on the weekly session activities.




Target audience:


Any educator interested in developing a self-care and classroom practice. 



Session objectives:


By the end of this session, participants will have 

  • gained a better understanding of self-care.
  • gained a better understanding of mindfulness.
  • collaborated with others for peer learning. 
  • given a few live online sessions using guided mindfulness techniques. 
  • developed a mindfulness awareness practice.






Week 1: (January 10 - 16) Introductions  


In week 1, participants will get acquainted with each other, the layout of the session, and mindfulness, team up, and start their journal writing.


Receive a digital badge for completing all the tasks of week 1.


Week 2: (January 17 - 23) Research and Mindfulness 


In week 2, participants will explore research-based information on mindfulness. 


  • They will find at least one research study on the benefits of mindfulness
  • Create interactive slides using AHA SlidesNearpodEMAZE, Google Slides, KnovioCanva for educators (free), or any presentation tool with images. 
  • They will then record their voices as they capture the information on the benefits of mindfulness. 
  • They may use Flipgrid, Vimeo, Screencast-o-matic, Google Slides with Audio (see  video below), LOOM, Awesome Shot, or any other screen recorders.  
  • They will share the link and reflect on their work using the diary activity. 
  • Receive a digital badge for completing the tasks of week 2.  




Week 3: (January 24 - 30) Formal Practice 


In week 3, participants will explore and compare formal vs. informal mindfulness awareness practice. They will work in teams and use Jitsi meeting to give each other guided mindfulness practice.  At the end of the week, they will reflect on the process using an individual diary activity. 


Receive a digital badge for completing the tasks of week 3. 


Week 4: (January 31 - February 6) Practical Tips and Tricks 


In this section, participants will try out various mindfulness awareness techniques with their teams. The techniques include:


  • Background Music
  • Guided Mindfulness 
  • Breathing Techniques
  • Body Scan
  • Silent Practice 
  • Receive a digital badge for completing the tasks of week 4.  


Week 5: (February 7 - 13) Showcase and Reflect


In this section, participants will showcase and reflect on the work they did in weeks 1-4 using a curation tool such as Wakelet, Padlet, Jamboard, or any other tool of their choice.   

  • Receive a digital badge for completing the tasks of week 5
  • Receive a final certificate of participation for completing the tasks of weeks 1-5. 



  • Moodle 
  • ZOOM 
  • Jitsi (Moodle activity)
  • Diary (Moodle activity)


Other technology tools: 


Technology tools: 


  1. Kahoot https://kahoot.com  
  2. Vimeo https://vimeo.com
  3. Screencast-o-matic https://screencast-o-matic.com
  4. LOOM for educators (free pro) https://loom.com 
  5. Voki https://www.voki.com
  6. Canva  https://www.canva.com
  7. IdeaBoardz https://ideaboardz.com 
  8. Wakelet https://wakelet.com
  9. Miro https://miro.com
  10. Padlet https://padlet.com
  11. Quizlet https://quizlet.com
  12. Edpuzzle https://edpuzzle.com
  13. Amanote in the Moodle session 
  14. Jitsi on the Moodle for team live meetings.  
  15. Google (docs, slides, forms) https://drive.google.com 
  16. PoodLL and Recorder on the Editor of the course 





Join this session


Registration starts on Jan 2, 2022. 


To join this EVO session:


From January 2 - 09.


  1. Go to https://integreating-technology.org/course/view.php?id=352
  2. Log in the first and each time by clicking on one of the following social icons: Login in with Gmail, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft 
  3. Enrol in http://integrating-technology.org/course/view.php?id=352



If you need further help on how to log in, please watch the following video:

How to Sign Up and Login (video)





Suggested sponsor(s):








Name (last, first)

Email address

(country of residence)

(max. 50 words) 


Deutsch, Nellie



Nellie Deutsch (Ed.D) mentors educators worldwide. She’s had experience as an English teacher in public schools & colleges (over 40 years) & has integrated technology (computer room) in high school since 1992.  She offers free annual online professional developments courses and webinars on Moodle for Teachers. Course topics include learner autonomy (online and face-to-face) with technology & self-care with mindfulness & the Alexander technique. She applies process based team peer learning, supportive learner autonomy teaching & technologies such as Moodle, Google Classroom, Padet, Wakelet, SMORE Fieldtrip, Quizlet, Kahoot, Voki, Flipgrid, ZOOM, Jitsi, Screencast-o-matic, Vimeo, Nearpod, Quizizz, MeritHub & Google drive. She founded the annual Moodle & Virtual World MOOCs & online conferences (CO09-CO21) (MMVC11-21). She’s on the TESOL CALL-IS committee & EVO coordinating team. 

Bozinovic, Sanja 


Velika Gorica, Croatia

Sanja Božinović is an EFL teacher with 31 years of experience, a teacher trainer, a curriculum developer, a materials writer, a Microsoft certified educator. Her interests include inclusive education, the use of learning technologies, materials writing.

Sanja is a keen volunteer in the field of professional development, a believer in the power of sharing, and a life-long learner.

Abdelmoneim, Maha  maha4learning@gmail.com  Egypt 

A Learning & Development Consultant, Life & Executive Coach, Maha has designed, delivered training & coaching on Management & Leadership, Performance Management, Career Counselling, Trainer Development, and Instructional Design since 1992, to clients in the Middle East, Asia and Eastern Europe. She has been connecting, teaching and learning online since 1997 and in Virtual worlds and Games since 2009. 





Primary Contact: 

Nellie Deutsch






By allowing your name to be put forward as co-moderator of this session

you acknowledge the following:


  • I understand that session first-time moderators are required and returning moderators are encouraged to participate in the 5-week Moderators' Development Session from October 17 until November 14, 2021.

  • I am available to actively engage in the EVO session I have agreed to co-moderate between January 10 and February 13, 2022. 

  • I further understand that 

    • EVO sessions are free of advertising and commercial sponsorship.

    • EVO sessions are free and open to all

    • No academic credit may be given for participation.


I acknowledge:

Nellie Deutsch 

Sanja Bozinovic

Rahal, Aicha 

Hala Gharib 

Maha Abdelmoneim



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